
Ramadi government targeted by insurgents

Iraqi security forces clashed with insurgents who blasted their way into a police compound west of Baghdad to free terror suspects in a deadly battle lasting several hours Sunday. Meanwhile, a high-level meeting in the capital failed to make progress toward ending a political crisis polarizing the country for the past month. In a test […]

Sam Dagher and Jabbar Yaseen report for The Wall Street Journal:

Iraqi security forces clashed with insurgents who blasted their way into a police compound west of Baghdad to free terror suspects in a deadly battle lasting several hours Sunday. Meanwhile, a high-level meeting in the capital failed to make progress toward ending a political crisis polarizing the country for the past month.

In a test for Iraqi forces following the end of the U.S. military mission last month, eight insurgents dressed in military uniforms and explosives-rigged vests stormed the compound in the city of Ramadi in the predominantly Sunni Arab western province of Anbar, according to local officials and the Ministry of Interior. Until a few years ago the area was a hotbed for al Qaeda militants.