
Iraq PM Maliki fires South Oil Co. chief and scores more in oil, other sectors…

Plus: *Baiji-Baghdad fuel line repairs start *Oil Ministry extends Akkas bid tender *SOMO taking bids for fuel oil export * on the Iraq oil question *Alive in Baghdad: Baghdad, City of Widows *Much more… Iraq's Prime Minister has demoted the head of the South Oil Company and the head of two SOC divisions, Hassan Hafidh […]

Iraq's Prime Minister has demoted the head of the South Oil Company and the head of two SOC divisions, Hassan Hafidh reports for Dow Jones Newswires. Kifah Nauman, Abdul Jabbar Lauby's deputy, will replace him. ... Ali Hussein Khudier replaced Abdul Kareem Jasem at South Gas Co. and Amer Abdul Jabbar has taken over from Kareem Jabor al-Saaedy at Iraqi Oil Tankers Co. ... "The reason behind his replacement is purely political," Mustafa Al Ani, a senior analyst at the Dubai-based think-tank, Gulf Research Center, told Dow Jones. "He was a vocal opponent of the proposed new oil law, which is based on decentralization and division of the oil sector in Iraq."

Iraq Oil Report is told Lauby has refused an alternate post of "adviser" to the Oil Ministry.

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