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Iraq poised to start power imports from Jordan

New cross-border lines promise to help underserved Anbar province as Iraq aims to diversify its electricity supply.
Riad Araibi, director general of Iraq's state-run Midland Electricity Transmission Company, signs an amendment to an agreement with the Jordanian National Electric Power Company for electricity imports on Feb. 11, 2024. (Photo credit: Electricity Ministry)

FALLUJAH - Long-awaited electricity imports from Jordan are almost ready to start, promising to boost power supplies to underserved parts of western Iraq.

Last month Iraq’s state-owned Midland Electricity Transmission Company and the Jordanian National Electric Power Company signed an agreement allowing an initial supply of 40 MW from Jordan on a 132 kilovolt (KV) line, until a 400 KV line with greater capacity is completed. The agreement was an amendment to the original Jordan-Iraq electricity tie-in deal signed in 2018.

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