
April exports rise by 200k bpd

Countrywide oil sales have rebounded to their highest level in two years, although infrastructure bottlenecks threaten to limit further increases.

Iraq exports dip but revenues hit new record

Monthly oil revenues topped $11 billion, boosted by high global prices, but export levels slipped as Iraq bumps up against infrastructure constraints.

Oil exports rise for second consecutive month

KRG crude exports are still shut in due to the northern pipeline outage, but federal exports have increased further, nearing the maximum capacity of outdated Basra Gulf infrastructure.

Iraq’s February oil exports rise

Monthly revenues hit another 10-year high as exports rebounded from a January dip and global oil prices spiked.

July oil exports and revenues climb

With OPEC-plus pressure easing, Iraq increased exports slightly in July while higher oil prices drove monthly revenues to a 19-month high.

The four-year plan

The Iraqi Oil Ministry's four-year plan, unveiled but not reproduced in February, available here only to Iraq Oil Report subscribers.

Iraq exports continue upward trend

Oil sales climb again to records highs, as a new marketing structure and strengthening cooperation between Baghdad and Erbil spur growth.

Q&A: Gary Vogler

The longest-serving American in Iraq's oil sector gives an insider's account of tactical victories, strategic blunders, and hidden agendas in post-2003 reconstruction.